Friday, August 27, 2010

and it all starts with a line, a square, and a rectangle.

Architecture school started off with a bang- a three-day, grueling competition to design a project from start to finish. And then the next assignment was to work on a presentation of abstract objects in a certain order, which sounds really easy. This was harder. I am totally having to retrain myself to use drafting tools. I spent about 8 hours working on this morning's assignment, and I have been working or going to school literally from 5:30/6:30am-11:30 at night every day this week. But you know what? I wouldn't change it one bit. I am exhausted, but I am happy with my little "non-house" that I am creating. It is a challenge.

I didn't know what to expect, honestly. Instead, what I found was that in architecture, my world is timeless. It passes, but I lose track easily. So intent on my work and perfecting it, everything else in my world seems to disappear. Some people find God in churches or tenement halls. I found God in the form of the studio environment. I feel like, for once in my life, I am precisely where I need to be. Everything else is falling into place. Financially, I am more than likely selling my scooter tonight. I received my excess check from school and it was much larger than I ever anticipated. And I am still allowed to work at my job, even if my hours are crazy. It is a humbling experience to realize that there are higher powers at work; the militarization of life and the petty dramas are all going away and I am left not as a human being anymore but as a process; a standard for the implementation of design. And all with the divinity of nonconformity at my fingertips. I feel like I can accomplish anything. And if I don't succeed, I will practice, practice, practice until I do. It is a good feeling, this productivity.

My newfound enthusiasm for life also stems from the fact that AUTUMN IS ALMOST HERE. For those of you that know me well, Autumn is pretty much my favorite season. Knitting, cozy cardigans, campfires, tea, wine and cheese with friends, photoshoots, reading, and yard work are all on the agenda for this season. I recently went on a cardigan-buying binge in anticipation of the cooler weather and am looking forward to MAYBE having a few free weekends to create some new things. My folks recently found me some Herman Miller-style chairs for my house so renovating those is my next project (if I can find a new table, I may end up selling my chrome set..). I can't wait to play in piles of leaves and get my house back in shape now that it isn't so miserable outside. I look forward to a Saturday or Sunday of open windows, a crisp breeze, and listening to Claudine Longet on vinyl...

Friday, August 6, 2010

10 mile stereo: Feel-good Friday

I think I officially have the travel bug again. Between going to Chicago and then a weekend camping trip in the mountains (and extensive reading on all sorts of towns and international destinations), I am officially burnt out on the home front for a bit. This time of year always gets me really antsy, especially with school (and a hectic work schedule) being just a week and a half away now. Other than a splitting headache, I have been feeling ridiculously positive the past few weeks. I have been getting my ducks in a row for the past few weeks, so the transfer into architecture school should be fairly seamless. I already have a million ideas to run past my professors when I get the adequate chance. It is going to be a tough road, I know, but I feel pretty confident that it is where I need to be and the more that time progresses, the more comfortable I feel with my decision. I still have a lot of growing up to do in other spheres of my life, but it feels like Book One is officially over and I am now reading the Introduction to Book Two: The Great Adventure.

Speaking of adventures, this weeks Covet list isn't about material things, but things that are more or less tangible. The world we live in is conceptually brilliant, and as summer wanes (Thank God!!), I want to focus on the last sparks of adventure that travel and mystery occassionally bring to the forefront of human consciousness.

M I X E D T A P E:

I have been currently listening to these amazing artists:

Beach House- Lovlier Girl
Benny Goodman- Stardust
Lou Reed- This Magic Moment
All Girl Summer Fun Band- Cutie Pie
Adam Green- Cigarette Burns Forever
Peter Wolf Crier- Crutch & Cane
Abner Jay- I'm a Hard Working Man
Yann Tiersen- Summer 78
Ana Tijoux- 1977
The T-Bones- No Matter What Shape (Your Stomach's In)
The Decemberists- Red Right Ankle
Bright Eyes- When The Curious Girl Realizes She Is Under Glass
Good Old War- World Watching
Califone- Alice Marble Gray
